Agile Project Delivery

Background and Context

At the end of 2020, Stable Teams wanted to bring a few of its delegates together online to think, reflect and get into the Christmas spirit! 

I facilitated a dialogue with 6 people on the question: how do we measure success? 


How do we measure success?

In this dialogue, the example came from Edward who is a Behaviour Coach. He was working with a client called Suzanne who was low in confidence and wanted to change careers and work in finance but lacked the self-belief to do so. 

As a result of unpicking the example Edward had shared with us, he concluded that his core statement as to why this example answered the questions of how to measure success was: 

'When I met Suzanne, she was lacking in confidence and had no finance industry experience. However, on a practical level, she was prepared to put the effort in to embark on a new career and secure her first role in finance. On a human level, Suzanne was prepared to come out of her comfort zone, do some soul-seeking,  and obtain help to improve her individual circumstances. After a period of time, Suzanne completely transformed from the person I first encountered. I would say that this illustrates her success.' 

The group then discussed what specifically in this they could focus on as a measure of success. One participant suggested it could be an absence of self-doubt and a change that has occurred. 

Another participant suggested that the components of success in this example were self-awareness, action, and the result. 

The group also wanted to highlight the significance of the timeline, between when Emerson met Suzanne and when some time had passed and Suzanne had moved into her dream job. This was also a factor in how we measured success. 

The concept of sparks and grit emerged, meaning that it was Suzanne's ability, through hard work, to take these eureka moments that she gained through coaching and persevere until she reached her desired target. 

This dialogue only lasted 1.5 hours, but future inquiries on the question of how to measure success would likely focus on:

  • The results 
  • The feelings 
  • The behaviors
  • The rewards 
  • The recognitions 
  • The journey  
  • The time passed
  • The eureka moment 
  • The set backs 