Mastering the Socratic Method

  • Author: Anna Bromley
  • Level: Beginner
  • Study time: 1.5 hours
Course overview
This course equips you with Socratic Dialogue techniques to ask powerful questions, foster deeper understanding, and guide transformative group discussions with clarity and empathy.
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  • Video time: 1.5 hours

What's included?

  • 4 Sections
  • 14 Lectures

Become a Facilitator

You will master the art of facilitating Socratic Dialogues by learning to ask powerful, open-ended questions that drive deep reflection and meaningful discussions. 

Lead Transformative Dialogues

Beyond facilitation skills, you’ll discover how to create inclusive and empathetic environments where every participant feels heard and valued.

Course Lessons

Anna Bromley

Dialogue Facilitator
Anna Bromley is a Socratic Dialogue Facilitator with an entrepreneurial mindset. She runs dialogues in London. 
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